A blog hop is a way for readers to discover authors they might not have heard of and whose works they might enjoy. On this stop on the blog hop, you'll find a bit of information about me, my upcoming book and of course links to other authors. Many thanks to Fantasy author Linda Talbot for inviting me to join!
Click the link for more about Linda and her Next Big Thing "The Starflash Opal".
- What is the working title of your book? > The working title of my first book is "A Place in the Choir", for the sequel undecided.
- Where did the idea come from for the book? > From life experiences, observation and discussion about the dangers of power when vested in a few. To keep power in oneself, others must be programmed to become submissive and unquestioning. This applies to book one. The second book examines the damage done within such a scenario to vulnerable and impressionable young people. It traces a journey in which the main character tries to regain some of what has been lost.
- What genre does your book come under? > Tragicomedy.
- Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? > I really don’t know although I can imagine the Irish actress Tina Kelleher as a wonderful Ellie. She played Sharon in the adaptation for film of Roddy Doyle’s book "The Snapper". I would cast Anthony Hopkins as the predator priest and Richard Gere as Professor Craig. After this flight of presumptuous fancy I may as well go for Tom Cruise as Colin and Julia Roberts as a very plausible Zita. I’m looking around for a strong, opinionated, sharp tongued and frequently hysterical actor to play Eleanor. Sorry I don’t want to embarrass myself further!!
- What is a one sentence synopsis of your book? > Ellie, an Irish country girl, mistakenly joins a convent to fulfill her need to belong. (book one)
- Is your book self published, published by an independent publisher or represented by an agency? > Independently published and being revised for publication as an eBook. A decision has yet to be taken about publication choice for the sequel.
- How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? > Three years for "A Place in the Choir" and I’m now one year on with the sequel.
- What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? > I have not read any book to which I can honestly compare them.
- Who or what inspired you to write this book? > Family, friends and colleagues.
- What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest? > “Are nuns human, after all?”
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