There was an amateur drama society in Dublin which specialised in visiting schools. An excellent group whose performance of 'Death of a Salesman,' 'Philadelphia Here I Come,' and other works were welcomed by teachers of English drama. These actors engaged the students in discussions after each performance and were able get to the heart of the matter. They made the understanding and enjoyment of the play more relevant than it being another exam subject.
This drama group became so successful that instead of travelling from school to school they procured matinee time in a local theatre. Schools joined forces to attend performances in groups. Eventually the programmes began to include works by Shakespeare which were also part of the school's senior and junior cycle.
I had the honour once of taking a group of senior boys to this theatre. They were not dedicated members of the William Shakespeare fan club! We met at the theatre door, handed in our tickets and located our seats -- the boys insisting that these were in a block beside the area assigned to the local girl's school.
A gong sounded, the music began, it was curtain up..
A communal gasp greeted the empty stage until a circular area began to rise slowly. On the top of this plinth an actor stood looking very uncomfortable in a short skirt and foil tunic.
'Hey' a student shouted, 'it's yer man from the telly.'
'Hi Mike,'
Mike (the soldier) waved to the audience. In doing so he hit his sword against a pillar. Half of his weapon fell onto the floor. It was made of plywood.
'Aaah.' The crowd sighed.
A second soldier entered stage left to creep stealthily around the plinth.
'Come I too late he,' cried?
'Yeah, you missed the bus' cried a voice from the pits.
Mike waved his half sword in the air
.'Fly, fly, fly ,' he roared.
'Fly, fly fly Aer Lingus' shouted the boys.
Scroll forward.
Mike's mother enters in full regalia accompanied by her lady in waiting.
'My sweet son,' she says, arms outstretched beseeching him not to go to war.
The not so sweet sons in my care make sick noises!
Soldier Mike engaged in a long speech extolling his own bravery. Mother wept and in her rush to prevent him leaving for battle she tripped and staggered across the stage. Her maid clung valiantly to the robe of her mistress. They teetered dangerously close to the edge of the stage, Soldier Mike sensing danger marched forward, slipped on his sword fragment and all three fell into the orchestra pit.
Final Curtain
No actor was hurt in the performance. A worthwhile discussion session followed led by the director of the play and with actor participation. Students were invited on stage to act in a couple of episodes. The company decided not to stage entire Shakespearean plays again, instead they'd choose segments or important speeches. My boys missed the bus home -- a cunning ploy. We went for a Big Mac and chips. Coincidentally the girls missed the bus too!
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